
Double precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers in IEEE 754 representation.

This module contains common floating-point constants and utility functions.

Notation for special values in the documentation below: +inf: Positive infinity -inf: Negative infinity NaN: "not a number" (can have different sign bit values, but NaN != NaN regardless of the sign).

Note: Floating point numbers have limited precision and operations may inherently result in numerical errors.

Examples of numerical errors:

  0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3 // => false
 1e16 + 1.0 != 1e16 // => false

(and many more cases)



  import Float "mo:base/Float";
  let x = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1;
  let y = 0.3;

  let epsilon = 1e-6; // This depends on the application case (needs a numerical error analysis).
  Float.equal(x, y, epsilon) // => true

NaN sign:

type Float = Prim.Types.Float

64-bit floating point number type.

public let pi : Float

Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Note: Limited precision.

public let e : Float

Base of the natural logarithm. Note: Limited precision.

public func isNaN(number : Float) : Bool

Determines whether the number is a NaN ("not a number" in the floating point representation). Notes:


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.isNaN(0.0/0.0) // => true

public let abs : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the absolute value of x.

Special cases:

abs(+inf) => +inf
abs(-inf) => +inf
abs(-NaN)  => +NaN
abs(-0.0) => 0.0


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.abs(-1.2) // => 1.2

public let sqrt : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the square root of x.

Special cases:

sqrt(+inf) => +inf
sqrt(-0.0) => -0.0
sqrt(x)    => NaN if x < 0.0
sqrt(NaN)  => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.sqrt(6.25) // => 2.5

public let ceil : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the smallest integral float greater than or equal to x.

Special cases:

ceil(+inf) => +inf
ceil(-inf) => -inf
ceil(NaN)  => NaN
ceil(0.0)  => 0.0
ceil(-0.0) => -0.0


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.ceil(1.2) // => 2.0

public let floor : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the largest integral float less than or equal to x.

Special cases:

floor(+inf) => +inf
floor(-inf) => -inf
floor(NaN)  => NaN
floor(0.0)  => 0.0
floor(-0.0) => -0.0


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.floor(1.2) // => 1.0

public let trunc : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the nearest integral float not greater in magnitude than x. This is equivalent to returning x with truncating its decimal places.

Special cases:

trunc(+inf) => +inf
trunc(-inf) => -inf
trunc(NaN)  => NaN
trunc(0.0)  => 0.0
trunc(-0.0) => -0.0


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.trunc(2.75) // => 2.0

public let nearest : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the nearest integral float to x. A decimal place of exactly .5 is rounded up for x > 0 and rounded down for x < 0

Special cases:

nearest(+inf) => +inf
nearest(-inf) => -inf
nearest(NaN)  => NaN
nearest(0.0)  => 0.0
nearest(-0.0) => -0.0


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.nearest(2.75) // => 3.0

public let copySign : (x : Float, y : Float) -> Float

Returns x if x and y have same sign, otherwise x with negated sign.

The sign bit of zero, infinity, and NaN is considered.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.copySign(1.2, -2.3) // => -1.2

public let min : (x : Float, y : Float) -> Float

Returns the smaller value of x and y.

Special cases:

min(NaN, y) => NaN for any Float y
min(x, NaN) => NaN for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.min(1.2, -2.3) // => -2.3 (with numerical imprecision)

public let max : (x : Float, y : Float) -> Float

Returns the larger value of x and y.

Special cases:

max(NaN, y) => NaN for any Float y
max(x, NaN) => NaN for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.max(1.2, -2.3) // => 1.2

public let sin : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the sine of the radian angle x.

Special cases:

sin(+inf) => NaN
sin(-inf) => NaN
sin(NaN) => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.sin(Float.pi / 2) // => 1.0

public let cos : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the cosine of the radian angle x.

Special cases:

cos(+inf) => NaN
cos(-inf) => NaN
cos(NaN)  => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.cos(Float.pi / 2) // => 0.0 (with numerical imprecision)

public let tan : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the tangent of the radian angle x.

Special cases:

tan(+inf) => NaN
tan(-inf) => NaN
tan(NaN)  => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.tan(Float.pi / 4) // => 1.0 (with numerical imprecision)

public let arcsin : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the arc sine of x in radians.

Special cases:

arcsin(x)   => NaN if x > 1.0
arcsin(x)   => NaN if x < -1.0
arcsin(NaN) => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.arcsin(1.0) // => Float.pi / 2

public let arccos : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the arc cosine of x in radians.

Special cases:

arccos(x)  => NaN if x > 1.0
arccos(x)  => NaN if x < -1.0
arcos(NaN) => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.arccos(1.0) // => 0.0

public let arctan : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the arc tangent of x in radians.

Special cases:

arctan(+inf) => pi / 2
arctan(-inf) => -pi / 2
arctan(NaN)  => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.arctan(1.0) // => Float.pi / 4

public let arctan2 : (y : Float, x : Float) -> Float

Given (y,x), returns the arc tangent in radians of y/x based on the signs of both values to determine the correct quadrant.

Special cases:

arctan2(0.0, 0.0)   => 0.0
arctan2(-0.0, 0.0)  => -0.0
arctan2(0.0, -0.0)  => pi
arctan2(-0.0, -0.0) => -pi
arctan2(+inf, +inf) => pi / 4
arctan2(+inf, -inf) => 3 * pi / 4
arctan2(-inf, +inf) => -pi / 4
arctan2(-inf, -inf) => -3 * pi / 4
arctan2(NaN, x)     => NaN for any Float x
arctan2(y, NaN)     => NaN for any Float y


import Float "mo:base/Float";

let sqrt2over2 = Float.sqrt(2) / 2;
Float.arctan2(sqrt2over2, sqrt2over2) // => Float.pi / 4

public let exp : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the value of e raised to the x-th power.

Special cases:

exp(+inf) => +inf
exp(-inf) => 0.0
exp(NaN)  => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.exp(1.0) // => Float.e

public let log : (x : Float) -> Float

Returns the natural logarithm (base-e) of x.

Special cases:

log(0.0)  => -inf
log(-0.0) => -inf
log(x)    => NaN if x < 0.0
log(+inf) => +inf
log(NaN)  => NaN


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.log(Float.e) // => 1.0

public func format(fmt : {#fix : Nat8; #exp : Nat8; #gen : Nat8; #exact}, x : Float) : Text

Formatting. format(fmt, x) formats x to Text according to the formatting directive fmt, which can take one of the following forms:

-0.0 is formatted with negative sign bit. Positive infinity is formatted as "inf". Negative infinity is formatted as "-inf".

Note: The numerical precision and the text format can vary between Motoko versions and runtime configuration. Moreover, NaN can be printed differently, i.e. "NaN" or "nan", potentially omitting the NaN sign.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.format(#exp 3, 123.0) // => "1.230e+02"

public let toText : Float -> Text

Conversion to Text. Use format(fmt, x) for more detailed control.

-0.0 is formatted with negative sign bit. Positive infinity is formatted as inf. Negative infinity is formatted as -inf. NaN is formatted as NaN or -NaN depending on its sign bit.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.toText(0.12) // => "0.12"

public let toInt64 : Float -> Int64

Conversion to Int64 by truncating Float, equivalent to toInt64(trunc(f))

Traps if the floating point number is larger or smaller than the representable Int64. Also traps for inf, -inf, and NaN.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.toInt64(-12.3) // => -12

public let fromInt64 : Int64 -> Float

Conversion from Int64.

Note: The floating point number may be imprecise for large or small Int64.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.fromInt64(-42) // => -42.0

public let toInt : Float -> Int

Conversion to Int.

Traps for inf, -inf, and NaN.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.toInt(1.2e6) // => +1_200_000

public let fromInt : Int -> Float

Conversion from Int. May result in Inf.

Note: The floating point number may be imprecise for large or small Int values. Returns inf if the integer is greater than the maximum floating point number. Returns -inf if the integer is less than the minimum floating point number.


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.fromInt(-123) // => -123.0

public func equal(
  x : Float,
  y : Float,
  epsilon : Float
) : Bool

Determines whether x is equal to y within the defined tolerance of epsilon. The epsilon considers numerical erros, see comment above. Equivalent to Float.abs(x - y) <= epsilon for a non-negative epsilon.

Traps if epsilon is negative or NaN.

Special cases:

equal(+0.0, -0.0, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
equal(-0.0, +0.0, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
equal(+inf, +inf, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
equal(-inf, -inf, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
equal(x, NaN, epsilon)     => false for any x and `epsilon >= 0.0`
equal(NaN, y, epsilon)     => false for any y and `epsilon >= 0.0`


import Float "mo:base/Float";

let epsilon = 1e-6;
Float.equal(-12.3, -1.23e1, epsilon) // => true

public func notEqual(
  x : Float,
  y : Float,
  epsilon : Float
) : Bool

Determines whether x is not equal to y within the defined tolerance of epsilon. The epsilon considers numerical erros, see comment above. Equivalent to not equal(x, y, epsilon).

Traps if epsilon is negative or NaN.

Special cases:

notEqual(+0.0, -0.0, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
notEqual(-0.0, +0.0, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
notEqual(+inf, +inf, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
notEqual(-inf, -inf, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
notEqual(x, NaN, epsilon)     => true for any x and `epsilon >= 0.0`
notEqual(NaN, y, epsilon)     => true for any y and `epsilon >= 0.0`


import Float "mo:base/Float";

let epsilon = 1e-6;
Float.notEqual(-12.3, -1.23e1, epsilon) // => false

public func less(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool

Returns x < y.

Special cases:

less(+0.0, -0.0) => false
less(-0.0, +0.0) => false
less(NaN, y)     => false for any Float y
less(x, NaN)     => false for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.less(Float.e, Float.pi) // => true

public func lessOrEqual(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool

Returns x <= y.

Special cases:

lessOrEqual(+0.0, -0.0) => true
lessOrEqual(-0.0, +0.0) => true
lessOrEqual(NaN, y)     => false for any Float y
lessOrEqual(x, NaN)     => false for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.lessOrEqual(0.123, 0.1234) // => true

public func greater(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool

Returns x > y.

Special cases:

greater(+0.0, -0.0) => false
greater(-0.0, +0.0) => false
greater(NaN, y)     => false for any Float y
greater(x, NaN)     => false for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.greater(Float.pi, Float.e) // => true

public func greaterOrEqual(x : Float, y : Float) : Bool

Returns x >= y.

Special cases:

greaterOrEqual(+0.0, -0.0) => true
greaterOrEqual(-0.0, +0.0) => true
greaterOrEqual(NaN, y)     => false for any Float y
greaterOrEqual(x, NaN)     => false for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.greaterOrEqual(0.1234, 0.123) // => true

public func compare(x : Float, y : Float) : {#less; #equal; #greater}

Defines a total order of x and y for use in sorting.

Note: Using this operation to determine equality or inequality is discouraged for two reasons:

Total order:


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.compare(0.123, 0.1234) // => #less

public func neg(x : Float) : Float

Returns the negation of x, -x .

Changes the sign bit for infinity.

Special cases:

neg(+inf) => -inf
neg(-inf) => +inf
neg(+NaN) => -NaN
neg(-NaN) => +NaN
neg(+0.0) => -0.0
neg(-0.0) => +0.0


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.neg(1.23) // => -1.23

public func add(x : Float, y : Float) : Float

Returns the sum of x and y, x + y.

Note: Numerical errors may occur, see comment above.

Special cases:

add(+inf, y)    => +inf if y is any Float except -inf and NaN
add(-inf, y)    => -inf if y is any Float except +inf and NaN
add(+inf, -inf) => NaN
add(NaN, y)     => NaN for any Float y

The same cases apply commutatively, i.e. for add(y, x).


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.add(1.23, 0.123) // => 1.353

public func sub(x : Float, y : Float) : Float

Returns the difference of x and y, x - y.

Note: Numerical errors may occur, see comment above.

Special cases:

sub(+inf, y)    => +inf if y is any Float except +inf or NaN
sub(-inf, y)    => -inf if y is any Float except -inf and NaN
sub(x, +inf)    => -inf if x is any Float except +inf and NaN
sub(x, -inf)    => +inf if x is any Float except -inf and NaN
sub(+inf, +inf) => NaN
sub(-inf, -inf) => NaN
sub(NaN, y)     => NaN for any Float y
sub(x, NaN)     => NaN for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.sub(1.23, 0.123) // => 1.107

public func mul(x : Float, y : Float) : Float

Returns the product of x and y, x * y.

Note: Numerical errors may occur, see comment above.

Special cases:

mul(+inf, y) => +inf if y > 0.0
mul(-inf, y) => -inf if y > 0.0
mul(+inf, y) => -inf if y < 0.0
mul(-inf, y) => +inf if y < 0.0
mul(+inf, 0.0) => NaN
mul(-inf, 0.0) => NaN
mul(NaN, y) => NaN for any Float y

The same cases apply commutatively, i.e. for mul(y, x).


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.mul(1.23, 1e2) // => 123.0

public func div(x : Float, y : Float) : Float

Returns the division of x by y, x / y.

Note: Numerical errors may occur, see comment above.

Special cases:

div(0.0, 0.0) => NaN
div(x, 0.0)   => +inf for x > 0.0
div(x, 0.0)   => -inf for x < 0.0
div(x, +inf)  => 0.0 for any x except +inf, -inf, and NaN
div(x, -inf)  => 0.0 for any x except +inf, -inf, and NaN
div(+inf, y)  => +inf if y >= 0.0
div(+inf, y)  => -inf if y < 0.0
div(-inf, y)  => -inf if y >= 0.0
div(-inf, y)  => +inf if y < 0.0
div(NaN, y)   => NaN for any Float y
div(x, NaN)   => NaN for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.div(1.23, 1e2) // => 0.0123

public func rem(x : Float, y : Float) : Float

Returns the floating point division remainder x % y, which is defined as x - trunc(x / y) * y.

Note: Numerical errors may occur, see comment above.

Special cases:

rem(0.0, 0.0) => NaN
rem(x, y)     => +inf if sign(x) == sign(y) for any x and y not being +inf, -inf, or NaN
rem(x, y)     => -inf if sign(x) != sign(y) for any x and y not being +inf, -inf, or NaN
rem(x, +inf)  => x for any x except +inf, -inf, and NaN
rem(x, -inf)  => x for any x except +inf, -inf, and NaN
rem(+inf, y)  => NaN for any Float y
rem(-inf, y)  => NaN for any Float y
rem(NaN, y)   => NaN for any Float y
rem(x, NaN)   => NaN for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.rem(7.2, 2.3) // => 0.3 (with numerical imprecision)

public func pow(x : Float, y : Float) : Float

Returns x to the power of y, x ** y.

Note: Numerical errors may occur, see comment above.

Special cases:

pow(+inf, y)    => +inf for any y > 0.0 including +inf
pow(+inf, 0.0)  => 1.0
pow(+inf, y)    => 0.0 for any y < 0.0 including -inf
pow(x, +inf)    => +inf if x > 0.0 or x < 0.0
pow(0.0, +inf)  => 0.0
pow(x, -inf)    => 0.0 if x > 0.0 or x < 0.0
pow(0.0, -inf)  => +inf
pow(x, y)       => NaN if x < 0.0 and y is a non-integral Float
pow(-inf, y)    => +inf if y > 0.0 and y is a non-integral or an even integral Float
pow(-inf, y)    => -inf if y > 0.0 and y is an odd integral Float
pow(-inf, 0.0)  => 1.0
pow(-inf, y)    => 0.0 if y < 0.0
pow(-inf, +inf) => +inf
pow(-inf, -inf) => 1.0
pow(NaN, y)     => NaN if y != 0.0
pow(NaN, 0.0)   => 1.0
pow(x, NaN)     => NaN for any Float x


import Float "mo:base/Float";

Float.pow(2.5, 2.0) // => 6.25