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How to run qualification

There are three ways to run the test and a couple of environment variables that a user should be aware of.

Suggested way of running

Since this is a long test and bazel tends to be pretty heavy on the system it is's a good idea to run the test in a devenv. To do that you should follow the IDX guide on how to create a devenv. Once the devenv is deployed you can:

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/ssh_key_that_has_access_to_k8s_repo
ssh devenv
cd /to/root/of/ic/repo

Running using ict

ict is a go-lang tool that was developed to help developers run tests with less friction in having to write long test names. To use ict one can spin up a new shell and:

cd /to/root/of/ic/repo
ict test guest_os_qualification -- --test_timeout=7200 --keep_going

Running using bazel test

Spin up a new shell and:

cd /to/root/of/ic/repo
bazel test //rs/tests/dre:guest_os_qualification --config=systest --cache_test_results=no --test_env=IC_DASHBOARDS_DIR=/path/to/k8s_repo/bases/apps/ic-dashboards --sandbox_add_mount_pair=/path/to/k8s_repo/bases/apps/ic-dashboards --test_timeout=7200 --keep_going

Environment variables

  • OLD_VERSION: specifies the starting version for a testnet. If it's not specified it will default to the version specified in tests/mainnet_revision.json.

How does it work

Qualification test consits of multiple steps. If we have versions A and B where A is already deployed to the network and B is a version that is being qualified the steps would look like the following:

  1. Ensure that version A is on all subnets
  2. Ensure that version A is on all unassigned nodes
  3. Upgrading phase:

    1. Deploy version B to application subnets
    2. Deploy version B to system subnets
    3. Deploy version B to unassigned nodes
  4. Testing phase:

    1. Run performance tests
    2. Run xnet tests
  5. Downgrade phase:

    1. Deploy version A to application subnets
    2. Deploy version A to system subnets
    3. Deploy version A to unassigned nodes
  6. Testing phase:

    1. Run performance tests
    2. Run xnet tests