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Submitting NNS proposals

Most of the commands here can be run in multiple ways. Currently we are putting in the effort to make dre as useful as possible. As such it provides support for dry_run as default and that can be highly beneficial in most scenarios (for eg. if someone is asking you to submit a proposal for them the best practice way is to run a dry_run and ask them to double check the command and the payload that would be submitted) and that is why we recommend using dre whenever possible. In some use-cases dre cannot help you, and that is when you should use whatever tool/script is at hand.

Get the principal from your HSM

 dfx identity use hsm
Using identity: "hsm".
 export DFX_HSM_PIN=$(cat ~/.hsm-pin)
 dfx identity get-principal

Get the neuron id associated with your HSM

 export DFX_HSM_PIN=$(cat ~/.hsm-pin)
 dfx canister --identity=hsm --network=ic call rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai get_neuron_ids '()'
(vec { 40 : nat64 })

Getting the Mainnet firewall rules

dre get firewall-rules replica_nodes | jq

Get the Node Rewards Table, used for the Node Provider compensation

dre get node-rewards-table
  "table": {
    "Asia": {

Update the Node Rewards Table

dre propose update-node-rewards-table --summary-file --updated-node-rewards "$(cat 2022-12-type3-rewards.json | jq -c)"

Enable the HTTPs outcalls on a subnet

dre propose update-subnet \
    --features "http_requests" \
    --subnet uzr34-akd3s-xrdag-3ql62-ocgoh-ld2ao-tamcv-54e7j-krwgb-2gm4z-oqe \
    --summary "Enable the HTTPS outcalls feature on the non-whitelisted uzr34 subnet so that the exchange rate canister can query exchange rate data."

Removing node operator principal id

dre propose remove-node-operators kdqam-hauon-sdvym-42eyg-5wyff-4ywbw-v6iij-2sw2z-bu4rj-ejusn-jae \
    --summary "<An appropriate summary for the proposal, and a link to the forum post for further discussion, if possible>"

Removing nodes from the registry

Here is an example where we remove all AW1 nodes for redeployment.

dre nodes remove aw1 --motivation "Removing AW1 nodes for redeployment"