
Provides utility functions on 8-bit unsigned integers.

Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. 1 + 1).

Import from the base library to use this module.

motoko name=import
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";

type Nat8 = Prim.Types.Nat8

8-bit natural numbers.

public let maximumValue : Nat8

Maximum 8-bit natural number. 2 ** 8 - 1.


motoko include=import
Nat8.maximumValue; // => 255 : Nat8

public let toNat : Nat8 -> Nat

Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to an unsigned integer with infinite precision.


motoko include=import
Nat8.toNat(123); // => 123 : Nat

public let fromNat : Nat -> Nat8

Converts an unsigned integer with infinite precision to an 8-bit unsigned integer.

Traps on overflow.


motoko include=import
Nat8.fromNat(123); // => 123 : Nat8

public let fromNat16 : Nat16 -> Nat8

Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to a 8-bit unsigned integer.

Traps on overflow.


motoko include=import
Nat8.fromNat16(123); // => 123 : Nat8

public let toNat16 : Nat8 -> Nat16

Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to a 16-bit unsigned integer.


motoko include=import
Nat8.toNat16(123); // => 123 : Nat16

public let fromIntWrap : Int -> Nat8

Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to an 8-bit unsigned integer.

Wraps on overflow/underflow.


motoko include=import
Nat8.fromIntWrap(123); // => 123 : Nat8

public func toText(x : Nat8) : Text

Converts x to its textual representation.


motoko include=import
Nat8.toText(123); // => "123" : Text

public func min(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the minimum of x and y.


motoko include=import
Nat8.min(123, 200); // => 123 : Nat8

public func max(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the maximum of x and y.


motoko include=import
Nat8.max(123, 200); // => 200 : Nat8

public func equal(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool

Equality function for Nat8 types. This is equivalent to x == y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.equal(1, 1); // => true
(1 : Nat8) == (1 : Nat8) // => true

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing == operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use == as a function value at the moment.


motoko include=import
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";

let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>(3);
let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>(3);
Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Nat8.equal) // => true

public func notEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool

Inequality function for Nat8 types. This is equivalent to x != y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.notEqual(1, 2); // => true
(1 : Nat8) != (2 : Nat8) // => true

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing != operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use != as a function value at the moment.

public func less(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool

"Less than" function for Nat8 types. This is equivalent to x < y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.less(1, 2); // => true
(1 : Nat8) < (2 : Nat8) // => true

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing < operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use < as a function value at the moment.

public func lessOrEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool

"Less than or equal" function for Nat8 types. This is equivalent to x <= y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat.lessOrEqual(1, 2); // => true
1 <= 2 // => true

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing <= operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use <= as a function value at the moment.

public func greater(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool

"Greater than" function for Nat8 types. This is equivalent to x > y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.greater(2, 1); // => true
(2 : Nat8) > (1 : Nat8) // => true

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing > operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use > as a function value at the moment.

public func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool

"Greater than or equal" function for Nat8 types. This is equivalent to x >= y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.greaterOrEqual(2, 1); // => true
(2 : Nat8) >= (1 : Nat8) // => true

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing >= operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use >= as a function value at the moment.

public func compare(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : {#less; #equal; #greater}

General purpose comparison function for Nat8. Returns the Order ( either #less, #equal, or #greater) of comparing x with y.


motoko include=import, 3) // => #less

This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.


motoko include=import
import Array "mo:base/Array";
Array.sort([2, 3, 1] : [Nat8], // => [1, 2, 3]

public func add(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the sum of x and y, x + y. Traps on overflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.add(1, 2); // => 3
(1 : Nat8) + (2 : Nat8) // => 3

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing + operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use + as a function value at the moment.


motoko include=import
import Array "mo:base/Array";
Array.foldLeft<Nat8, Nat8>([2, 3, 1], 0, Nat8.add) // => 6

public func sub(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the difference of x and y, x - y. Traps on underflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.sub(2, 1); // => 1
(2 : Nat8) - (1 : Nat8) // => 1

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing - operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use - as a function value at the moment.


motoko include=import
import Array "mo:base/Array";
Array.foldLeft<Nat8, Nat8>([2, 3, 1], 20, Nat8.sub) // => 14

public func mul(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the product of x and y, x * y. Traps on overflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.mul(2, 3); // => 6
(2 : Nat8) * (3 : Nat8) // => 6

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing * operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use * as a function value at the moment.


motoko include=import
import Array "mo:base/Array";
Array.foldLeft<Nat8, Nat8>([2, 3, 1], 1, Nat8.mul) // => 6

public func div(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the quotient of x divided by y, x / y. Traps when y is zero.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.div(6, 2); // => 3
(6 : Nat8) / (2 : Nat8) // => 3

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing / operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use / as a function value at the moment.

public func rem(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the remainder of x divided by y, x % y. Traps when y is zero.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.rem(6, 4); // => 2
(6 : Nat8) % (4 : Nat8) // => 2

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing % operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use % as a function value at the moment.

public func pow(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns x to the power of y, x ** y. Traps on overflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.pow(2, 3); // => 8
(2 : Nat8) ** (3 : Nat8) // => 8

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing ** operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use ** as a function value at the moment.

public func bitnot(x : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise negation of x, ^x.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitnot(0); // => 255
^(0 : Nat8) // => 255

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing ^ operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use ^ as a function value at the moment.

public func bitand(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise and of x and y, x & y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitand(3, 2); // => 2
(3 : Nat8) & (2 : Nat8) // => 2

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing & operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use & as a function value at the moment.

public func bitor(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise or of x and y, x | y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitor(3, 2); // => 3
(3 : Nat8) | (2 : Nat8) // => 3

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing | operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use | as a function value at the moment.

public func bitxor(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise exclusive or of x and y, x ^ y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitxor(3, 2); // => 1
(3 : Nat8) ^ (2 : Nat8) // => 1

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing ^ operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use ^ as a function value at the moment.

public func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise shift left of x by y, x << y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitshiftLeft(1, 2); // => 4
(1 : Nat8) << (2 : Nat8) // => 4

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing << operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use << as a function value at the moment.

public func bitshiftRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise shift right of x by y, x >> y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitshiftRight(4, 2); // => 1
(4 : Nat8) >> (2 : Nat8) // => 1

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing >> operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use >> as a function value at the moment.

public func bitrotLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise rotate left of x by y, x <<> y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitrotLeft(128, 1); // => 1
(128 : Nat8) <<> (1 : Nat8) // => 1

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing <<> operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use <<> as a function value at the moment.

public func bitrotRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the bitwise rotate right of x by y, x <>> y.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.bitrotRight(1, 1); // => 128
(1 : Nat8) <>> (1 : Nat8) // => 128

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing <>> operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use <>> as a function value at the moment.

public func bittest(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Bool

Returns the value of bit p mod 8 in x, (x & 2^(p mod 8)) == 2^(p mod 8). This is equivalent to checking if the p-th bit is set in x, using 0 indexing.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bittest(5, 2); // => true

public func bitset(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8

Returns the value of setting bit p mod 8 in x to 1.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bitset(5, 1); // => 7

public func bitclear(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8

Returns the value of clearing bit p mod 8 in x to 0.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bitclear(5, 2); // => 1

public func bitflip(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8

Returns the value of flipping bit p mod 8 in x.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bitflip(5, 2); // => 1

public let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8

Returns the count of non-zero bits in x.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bitcountNonZero(5); // => 2

public let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8

Returns the count of leading zero bits in x.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bitcountLeadingZero(5); // => 5

public let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8

Returns the count of trailing zero bits in x.


motoko include=import
Nat8.bitcountTrailingZero(6); // => 1

public func addWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the sum of x and y, x +% y. Wraps on overflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.addWrap(230, 26); // => 0
(230 : Nat8) +% (26 : Nat8) // => 0

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing +% operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use +% as a function value at the moment.

public func subWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the difference of x and y, x -% y. Wraps on underflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.subWrap(0, 1); // => 255
(0 : Nat8) -% (1 : Nat8) // => 255

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing -% operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use -% as a function value at the moment.

public func mulWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns the product of x and y, x *% y. Wraps on overflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.mulWrap(230, 26); // => 92
(230 : Nat8) *% (26 : Nat8) // => 92

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing *% operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use *% as a function value at the moment.

public func powWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8

Returns x to the power of y, x **% y. Wraps on overflow.


motoko include=import
ignore Nat8.powWrap(2, 8); // => 0
(2 : Nat8) **% (8 : Nat8) // => 0

Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition to the existing **% operator) is so that you can use it as a function value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use **% as a function value at the moment.